Series: Championship Yardstick        Race: Race 7        Group: Div 2
PosPointsCategoryClassSail NoBoat NameSkipperElapsed TimeHandicapCorrected TimeBCHNew Handicap
11Paper Tiger1948CatweazleVlad Bunyevich01:14:1392.5001:20:1493.2295.13
22Hobie 142PedroAbi Beddoe01:18:1997.0001:20:4498.3798.37
33Hobie 14 Turbo31656AquamanHarry Taylor01:17:5891.0001:25:4197.9394.47
44Hobie 14 Turbo45515Rainbow DashOllie Davenport01:18:4491.0001:26:3198.89109.94
DNC15Z - WSC - Hobie Dragoon1333ToothlessMatilda Morris
DNC15Hobie 142PedroNigel Beddoe
DNC15Hobie 1461991TBAAnthony Cross
DNC15Z - WSC - Hobie Dragoon 1up1333ToothlessMatilda Morris
DNC15Z - WSC - Hobie Dragoon 1up1330Barf and BelchBenji Scott
DNC15Hobie 1462728Tango CharlieTim Chiu
DNC15Paper Tiger1980Peter ThompsonPeter Thompson
DNC15Z - WSC - Hobie Dragoon1363StormflyTom Chen-Low
DNC15Z - WSC - Hobie Dragoon1332HakuNikki Briggs
DNC15Z - WSC - Hobie Dragoon1330Barf and BelchBenji Scott